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"Excellent tapes! Keep the paint flowin!"
-- R. Dalesio, Norwalk, CT
"Right after quitting my job, I
ordered your videos. Your videos have helped me go into custom bike
painting full time. I'm making some of the 'big money' you mentioned
and owe a big thanks to your videos. Keep the videos coming."
-- B. Morris, Oklahoma City, OK
"Impressive the tapes are great! Keep up the great work!"
-- R. Castillo, Grand Prairie, TX
"Thank you very much for letting these 'secrets' out of the bag. One guy kept telling me that I should get a 'real' job, not this paint stuff. Little did he know, that I was working about 20 hours total, (by choice), and still taking in about 3 times what this bozo was making at 40 plus hours per week. He eventually figured it out when he saw I had more 'toys' than he did. Your information videos are just the right ticket that I have been seeking for many years. Thanks again!"
--T. McDaniel, Lake Havasu, AZ
"The DVD's are just full of info. The way he explains things is simple and also very informative. He has the knack of making any dill understand"
-- J. Mercaldi, Melbourne, Australia
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I have watched the tapes a few times and learn something every time. I am very much inspired by your tapes and newsletter. Please keep up the great work you are doing for us poor old beginners."
-- R. Huggy, Munsie, Indiana
"Top quality _ just like everything else I have bought from you."
-- E. McMayon, Spring, TX
"I know you said you'd would refund my money" but forget it ! You could offer me ten times that much and I would not part with this videoset!"
-- D. Mayhall, Davenport, OK
"The videos are awesome!"
-- D. Danitz, Las Vegas
"It's all true!! I left my job at an insurance company and started painting with your help. The video teaching has been perfect. All I did was follow the rules and never have to redo a job. Perfect every time. Thanks Jimbo!!!"
-- Miguel Rivera-Vargas, Puerto Rico
"A truck load of info. Keep me on your hot-list!"
-- Ray Meckel, Pleasanton, Texas
"Thanks Jimbo! I love the videos!!! The information is great and helps not to make mistakes while learning new things -- which is how I used to learn. Your library is the only ones out visible in my collection because I watch them over and over again. You make it and I'll buy it. I get better every time! Thanks again bro."
-- D. Smart, New York
"The courses I've gotten from you already have been great. The custom paint jobs I've done have turned out so good that people can't believe I just started doing this!"
-- Steve Hildreth, Richardson, Texas.
"I've been using what I learned to do some paint jobs and all who have seen it said it looks very professional. Thanks!"
-- Arthur Casnellie, Grove Port, Ohio
Wowza! I've found this to be "The MOST" informative and well done set. Thanks for such good stuff. My wife and daughter have become more and more impressed with my Art/Antics in the Garage let alone the flow of $Franklin$ which keep showing up in their purses!"
-- AC "Tony" Dettra, Tucson, Arizona
"I designed and built a bike -- then painted it using your videos. Awesome! I was taking art classes and felt like I was throwing money into a black hole! Your video's showed some neat stuff on painting tricks."
-- M. Manuszak, St. Clair, Michigan
"I thoroughly enjoyed your videos and am getting ready to spray a flame job for the first time at 60 years old have I had the courage to tackle a project of this magnitude. Thank you!"
-- C. Hawkins, Portsmith, New Hamshire
"I have all your videos and I think they're the best out there."
-- C. Huey, Twin Lakes, Minnesota